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Month: March 2019

Visualize Anything with Superset and Drill

Happy New Year everyone! I’ve been taking a bit of a blog break after completing Learning Apache Drillteaching a few classes, and some personal travel but I’m back now and have a lot planned for 2019! One of my long standing projects is to get Apache Drill to work with various open source visualization and data flow tools. I attended the Strata conference in San Jose in 2016 where I attended Maxime Beauchemin’s talk (slides available here) where he presented the tool then known as Caravel and I was impressed, really really impressed. I knew that my mission after the conference would be to get this tool to work with Drill. A little over two years later, I can finally declare victory. Caravel went through a lot of evolution. It is now an Apache Incubating project and the name has changed to Apache (Incubating) Superset.

UPDATE: The changes to Superset have been merged, so you can just install Superset as described on their website.