The developers of Apache Zeppelin just released a new version of Apache Zeppelin. The release notes are here, but it doesn’t look like anything too exciting. I’d really like to see an interpreter for Apache Drill that works with Zeppelin as well as either a generic ODBC/JDBC interpreter OR a MySQL interpreter. Both would be incredibly useful.
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Here is a quick iPython notebook I wrote up which demonstrates how to execute queries in Apache Drill using Drill’s RESTful interface. I’ve had a lot of difficulties getting Drill to “talk” to Python via JDBC and ODBC. I think the problems however are related to my computer’s configuration, but in any event, this code works.
Querying Apache Drill via RESTful Interface
1 CommentIt looks like my Strata talk sparked some conversation and an article at ProPublica!
After reflecting on the matter more, I hope that people will start to understand that these home automation d
evices really are data collection devices for the manufacturer of the device. The Automatic, in my opinion, while it is a very neat device, provides little information that the driver wouldn’t alrea
y know about themselves and hence little benefit to the customer. However, to the Automatic company, when you start aggregating this data, it provides a wealth of data to them. Therefore, devices should have some sort of ranking as to benefit to consumer vs. benefit to company.